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What are the factors affecting the dispensing quality of the automatic dispenser during use?

As an automation equipment manufacturer, Shenzhen Pinspeed Technology Co., Ltd. is dedicated to the production of desktop dispensers, CCD vision dispensers, floor-standing dispensers, non-standard dispensing machines and boredom. Suitable for single-component glue and two-component glue, it can provide relevant dispensing process solutions according to customers' actual needs.
The defects of the customer's products that are prone to occur in the dispensing process are: unqualified glue point, drawing, glue dipping, curing strength is not easy to fall. To solve these problems, we should study the technical process parameters in order to find a solution to the problem.


1, the size of the amount of glue
According to work experience, the diameter of the glue dot should be half the spacing of the product. This will ensure that there is sufficient glue to bond the components and avoid excessive glue. The amount of dispensing is determined by the length of time. In practice, the dispensing time should be selected according to the production situation (room temperature, viscosity of glue, etc.).
2, dispensing pressure
The dispensing device provides a certain pressure to the needle (glue gun) to ensure the supply of glue. The pressure determines the amount of glue and the speed of the glue. If the pressure is too high, the glue will overflow and the amount of glue will be too much. If the pressure is too small, the intermittent phenomenon and the leak point will occur, resulting in product defects. The pressure should be selected according to the nature of the glue and the temperature of the working environment. A high ambient temperature will make the viscosity of the glue smaller and the fluidity will be better. At this time, the pressure value should be lowered, and vice versa.
3, the size of the needle
In the actual work, the inner diameter of the needle should be about 1/2 of the diameter of the glue point. During the dispensing process, the dispensing needle should be selected according to the size of the product. Products with widely different sizes should be selected with different needles, which can ensure the quality of the glue points and increase the production efficiency.
4, the distance between the needle and the work surface
Different dispensers use different needles, and some have a certain degree of stopping. The calibration of the distance between the needle and the working surface should be done before the start of each work, that is, the Z-axis height calibration.
5, the viscosity of the glue
The viscosity of the glue directly affects the quality of the dispense. If the viscosity is large, the glue point will become smaller or even drawn; the viscosity will be small, the glue point will become larger, and the product may be infiltrated. During the dispensing process, the glue with different viscosities should be selected to select a reasonable pressure and dispensing speed.
6, glue temperature
Generally, the epoxy resin glue should be stored in a refrigerator of 0 to 5 ° C, and taken out half an hour in advance to make the glue temperature consistent with the working environment. The temperature of the glue should be 23 ° C ~ 25 ° C; the ambient temperature has a great influence on the viscosity of the glue, the temperature decreases the viscosity, the flow rate of the glue is correspondingly smaller, and the drawing phenomenon is more likely to occur. Under the same conditions, the ambient temperature difference of 5 °C will cause a 50% change in the amount of glue, so the ambient temperature should be controlled. At the same time, the temperature of the environment should also be guaranteed. If the temperature is too high, the glue points will dry easily and affect the adhesion.
7, curing temperature curve
For the curing of glue, the temperature curve has been given by the general manufacturer. In practice, it should be cured at a higher temperature to make the glue have sufficient strength after curing.

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